Hi, my name is

I make computers go beep boop.

I'm a PhD student in visual analytics at Graz University of Technology focusing on time-oriented data.

1. About

Hello! My name is Julian and I enjoy tinkering with computers. I earned both my Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in Computer Science from Graz University of Technology, specializing in data science as my major, while exploring interactive systems and visualization as my minor. Currently I am employed as a PhD student researching on visual analytics applications of time series data.

Additionally I enjoy building stuff for the web and thus I used to work at chax.at. Sharing knowledge is a joy for me, during my studies I have been involved as a teaching assistant in several courses with Fundamentals of Geometry Processing still being continued in form of voluntary work.

Picture of me

2. Featured Projects

Featured Project


The hospital in Klagenfurt employs an automatic scanner called 'Nessus' in order to find vulnerabilities. Hydra is a platform to analyze all scan results such that vulnerabilities can be easily tracked down.


Featured Project


AnoScout is a system for the exploration of anomalies in time-oriented data.

VisualizationTime SeriesAnomalies

Featured Project


Herkules is an automated assignment testing system for the course 'Fundamentals of Geometry Processing'.

SvelteFlaskCourse ManagementAutomated testing

Featured Project

The History of this Website

Since this website also counts as a project and has evolved over time, I decided to give its history a dedicated page.

Web Development

3. Contact

Get In Touch

Feel free to say hi and I'll get back to you!

Say Hello

Design inspired by Brittany Chiang

Implementation by Julian Rakuschek: Gitlab Repository
